
First and foremost, I am a writer.  And since this page is about me, I’m going to be using “I” a lot.

Born in Delaware, raised in the north-east suburbs of Illinois, and living in South Florida for the foreseeable future.

Professionally I have been involved in the restaurant industry, bio-science & pharmaceutical media fulfillment, private label brokering, and a combination of technical writing & Business / ERP consulting as a subject matter expert.  I have a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (Management) from Robert Morris University Illinois.

But like I said, I am a writer.  I don’t make money off of it (yet), but what pays the bills does not necessarily define a person.  My focus is a series of fiction novels (Urban Fantasy), but I regularly work on short stories when I’m bored.  I’ll post more about current projects (both short-term and long-term) in the body of the blog.

I’m a fan of folks like Stephen King, R.A. Salvatore, Jim Butcher, and quite a few others.  I’m constantly looking for a new author to test drive, but lately all I’m allowed to purchase are e-books.  My physical book collection takes up too much space.  I also have a healthy comic book collection (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, etc), but it is stagnant at the moment.  Halloween is my favorite holiday and I fancy myself a jazz/blues musician in stasis.  I’ve also been known to take some decent photos.  I have a wife who keeps me sane, and my zoo keeps me entertained.

* If you are connected to me via social media, the quick and easy version of who I am is summed up as follows:
Zombie-loving BMW-fanatic writer with an overly active sarcasm gland currently residing in SoFL.